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VIETOR, s.r.o. - Expresná medzinárodná doprava

International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition 2022

The 35th Electrical Vehicle Symposium exhibition and symposium took place in the town of Lilleström near the capital Oslo from June 11th to June 15th, 2022. It is the largest European event in the field of electric vehicles. It was attended by up to 400 exhibitors. The symposium was divided into an expert conference and an exhibition. This year, the main focus was on progress in the field of electric vehicle charging. New models of electric cars were also presented at the exhibition.

The Slovak stand at EVS35 was hosted by the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency SARIO. Slovak companies presented their production products in the field of electric mobility at the stand (AgeVolt, Babetta, PowereX Energy, EoCell, SEAK, Voltia, Unitech). The Centre for Advanced Materials Application of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (CEMEA) presented its programme in the field of research and development of batteries. The SARIO pavilion was also visited by the ambassador of Slovakia to Norway, his excellency Mr. Roman Bužek. The symposium's exhibits and agenda documented advances in electric mobility. It showed how the field of electromobility is developing dynamically, and in the near future electric cars will become more and more common in our lives.


Sme rýchli a spoľahliví a vieme ponúknuť aj nižšiu cenu za služby. Takmer vždy je to však kombinácia dvoch z týchto troch možností. Budeme radi, ak sa s nami podelíte o to, čo je pre vás dôležité.
Anketa Rýchlosť a spoľahlivosť (cena nie je podstatná) 35 %
Anketa Rýchlosť a cena (spoľahlivosť nie je podstatná) 34 %
Anketa Cena a spoľahlivosť (rýchlosť nie je podstatná) 31 %
(počet zúčastnených: 3 265)

Je pre Vás, ako nášho zákazníka, podstatné, že využívame vozidlá značky Mercedes Sprinter?
Anketa áno, je to podstatné 55 %
Anketa nie, nie je to dôležité 45 %
(počet zúčastnených: 11 498)