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VIETOR, s.r.o. – Express international transport

List of business partners with long-term financial obligations towards our company.

Company nameAddressTax identity
ConLogistics GmbHHans-Böckler-Straße 21c, DE - 46535 Dinslaken107/5702/1558
 Company representative (executive): Detlef Mühlbrandt, Ralph Herrgott
Danny Stiegler Kurier- und Logistikdienste e.KLausitzer Str. 25, DE - 68775 Ketsch DE205846395
 Company representative (executive): Danny Stiegler
WORLD FREIGHT SERVICE SARLMBG Building, Industrial Zone Kheireddine, TN - 2015 El Kram459339T/A/M/000
 Company representative (executive): Oumaima Flissi
Enrique Kostial Logistik GmbHO´Brien-Straße 2, DE - 91126 SchwabachDE352356064
 Company representative (executive): Enrique Kostial
Fundgrube Dienstleistungen GmbHTrollseeweg 15, DE - 24939 FlensburgDE295300056
 Company representative (executive): Christian Schröder
sb-express GmbH & Co. KGSeidenstraße 53, DE-78054 Villingen - SchwenningenDE252589201
 Company representative (executive): Sonja Börner
4 Collect GmbHFarmstrasse 118, DE - 64546 Mörfelden-WalldorfDE346913512
 Company representative (executive): Ryan Garcia Nunez
Buderman Logistic s.r.o.Krůčkova 751, CZ - 72100 Ostrava-SvinovCZ28632591
 Company representative (executive): Kryštof Budirský
Gea Srl SemplificataVia Villani 118, IT - 27030 ZinascoIT02775490184
 Company representative (executive): Gianni Artioli
LA GENERALE DE FRET SAS11 Chemin ligne de l Est, FR - 69100 VilleurbanneFR81798519252
 Company representative (executive): Florian GRUPALLO
RED STAR LOGISTICS s.r.o.Mlynská 10/5139 , SK - 921 01 PiešťanySK2022612955
 Company representative (executive): Ing. Pavel Bolješik, Dmytro Kiziryan
Jana Jánošíková s.r.o.Výčapy - Opatovce 21, SK - 951 44 Výčapy - OpatovceSK2022399753
 Company representative (executive): Jana Jánošíková
MACHINTEC TRADE, s.r.o.Čsl. armády 3/10223, SK - 036 01 MartinSK2021744791
 Company representative (executive): Ing. Ján Timko, Ing. Milan Čerňanský
DA Logistic, s.r.o.Tržničné Námestie 4810, SK - 945 01 KomárnoSK2023914596
 Company representative (executive): Miklós Dima, Mgr. Marián Czina
SASU Nord Inter5 Avenue de l´ Europe, FR - 59435 RoncqFR90950381582
 Company representative (executive): Philippe VERHAEGHE
Jiří VitmanSpojovací 260, CZ - 391 33 JistebniceCZ8702231824
 Company representative (executive): Jiří Vitman
Medically Designed GmbHEisenstraße 48a, DE - 65428 RüsselsheimDE225154191
 Company representative (executive): Fikrie Bakri
MIDOP-Trans, s.r.o.Lidická 700/19, CZ - 602 00 BrnoCZ03962822
 Company representative (executive): Miloslav Bošanský
Jozef VeghSK - 935 51 Turá 81SK1084302967
 Company representative (executive): Jozef Vegh
E.A.S.I. East European Central s.r.o.Na Kodymce 1524/16, CZ - 16000 Praha 6CZ27153002
CGS Logistic, s.r.o. Mlynské Nivy 53, SK - 820 06 BratislavaSK2022248041
 Company representative (executive): Ing. Anton Flamík, Ing. František Vaško
SARL Go Express27 Rue Robert de Flers, FR - 75015 ParisFR79513905505
 Company representative (executive): Karim Khalfaoui
RONWILD TOUR, s.r.oHudcova 78 b, CZ - 621 00 Brno-MedlánkyCZ46960601
 Company representative (executive): Pavel Michalec
RKM servis, s.r.o.V Poli 2705/7, CZ - 700 30 Ostrava - ZábřechCZ26803151
 Company representative (executive): Milan Mikušek, Radim Mikušek
Vladimír Húska - V.H.TransportHviezdoslavova 471/42, SK - 90501 SenicaSK1077233201
 Company representative (executive): Vladimír Húska
FHU BLONDI Tadeusza Boya-Zelenskiego 12, PL - 83-110 TczewPL5931876659
 Company representative (executive): Statkiewicz Sylwia
DUO šped, s.r.o.Záborského 39/873, SK - 831 03 BratislavaSK2022460539
 Company representative (executive): Mgr. Martina Fecková, Ing. Mária Žitňanová
ORCA PROMO, s.r.o.Polianky 5, SK - 841 01 BratislavaSK2021862689
 Company representative (executive): Boris Krajčír
Žaneta BartakovičováVeľká Dolina 112, SK - 95115 Veľká DolinaSK1078033506
 Company representative (executive): Žaneta Bartakovičová
T.L.S., s.r.o.Palúčanská 54/371, SK - 031 01 Liptovský MikulášSK2021993105
 Company representative (executive): Elena Pokorná, Nataša Madudová, Jozef Feketík
MŠ Šped Logistik, s.r.o.Holíčska 17, SK - 851 05 BratislavaSK2022715255
 Company representative (executive): Erik Šípoš
Miroslav Janek - JM ExpresV. Kozáka 1675, CZ - 768 61 Bystřice pod HostýnemCZ7507014405
 Company representative (executive): Miroslav Janek
Muller Business Cooperation, s.r.o.Štvrť Čajkovského 3736/13, SK - 038 61 Martin - Priekopa SK2022180545
 Company representative (executive): Ing. Richard Műller
MZ Sport, s.r.o.Teslova 1129 / 2B, CZ - 702 00 OstravaCZ0026299399
 Company representative (executive): Tomáš Řeha
Color Copy, s.r.o.J. Švermu 36, SK - 934 01 LeviceSK2021947664
 Company representative (executive): Gejza Vlačuha
European Transport, s.r.o.Rybničná 40, SK - 853 54 BratislavaSK2021833660
 Company representative (executive): Juraj Pastirik
Arricci FashionPostbus 43202, NL - 2504 Den HaagNL0000000000
 Company representative (executive): Milan Sokol
ŠPIS KB, s.r.o.Jána Kollára 50, SK - 974 01 B. BystricaSK2020094901
 Company representative (executive): Pavel Kmeť
VHV Trade, s.r.o.Karpatská 16, SK - 080 01 PrešovSK2021498380
 Company representative (executive): Miroslav Hajduček, Peter Varga


We are fast and reliable and can offer our services for a lower price. However, in almost all cases, it’s a combination of two of the following three options. We’d be pleased to hear what’s important to you.
Questionnaire Speed and reliability (price not important) 36 %
Questionnaire Speed and price (reliability not important) 33 %
Questionnaire Price and reliability (speed not important) 31 %
(number of participating: 4 813)

As our customer, is it essential to you that we use Mercedes Sprinter vehicles?
Questionnaire yes, it is essential 55 %
Questionnaire no, it is not important 45 %
(number of participating: 12 633)